Contributed by RL We woke up early with the birds singing, blue sky and a soft breeze. When we stepped out the back door into the large yard we knew it was going to be a beautiful day. You know the day when you need to wear sunscreen, but aww, it is just such a pretty day, why bother. Soon the grandchildren join us in the beauty of the morning and they want to go to the park. It is such a long way to travel.  The gate on the back fence leads directly into the park itself. An ideal home for a young family with young children and a two-year old cousin who is being tended while his mother is at school being a school teacher for other children.    ( These two are like brother and sister and what one does the other has to do better.   And like any brother and sister they actually look out for each other, so don’t get in their way or face. They go happily running through the now open gate into the park and the first thing they run for is the slides.  Quickly climbing the stairs that lead to the top of the curly slide they jump onto the slide giggling all the way down.  They are so short that they needed to be lifted off the end of the slide because it was such a long drop. Thus the need for an adult to assist them at this point but be mindful if they don’t want your help and think they can do it themselves. Most of the park slides, climbing walls, swings, and merry-go-round, were this way so we had to lift them up onto them and take them off when needed. Very independent children are these two, well come to think of it most children are independent and hopefully they will keep it that way.  ( That’s when the thought hit me, was I independent?  No, not independent about getting onto a slide or a swing, but in the things that matter the most in life.  You know something like an unforeseen accident or health issue, would I be able to stand independent in that time of need. Would I be able to have food, housing, warmth? What a weird thing to think about when enjoying the park. Homes come in all sizes and shapes and usually cost money that takes a few years to pay back to the bank.  Health is a big question mark in our lives all you can do is gett a good health insurance and hope it covers all the cost. Food, well hopefully, the cupboards are full and there is a good long- term food storage stored in a good place in the home for times of emergency. The long term food storage is easy if you use Rainy Day Foods with all the different choices which they have from their food kits and packs not to their spices and other goodies that you can find online at Well after watching the children slide down the slides, swing on the swings, get green in the face from the merry-go-round, it was late afternoon.  Time flies, I thought, as we headed back to the house just a short distance from the park. It’s time for a treat the children say; so off to the kitchen we go, being pushed by these two little ones. What to have is the question at hand, maybe some fresh cookies, but they don’t want to wait so you put in some popcorn to settle them down. Add a little juice and then with drooping eyes they take a nap on the couch. Now back to those cookies. There’s some Rolo’s left over from Easter maybe we can think of a use for them in these cookies.  So we need to get out 2 ½ cups of Rainy Day Foods chocolate cake mix; add ½ cup oil; 2 ½ tablespoons whole egg powder and add enough water to shape.  Mix well.  Put Rolo’s in center of cookie dough and shape into small ball with Rolo’s in the center.  Put on cookie sheet and bake at 375 degrees for 10 min.  We now have fresh cookies to enjoy with these two adventurers when they awake from their nap. Now if only I can remember to put on that sunscreen lotion before heading out to the park. ‘Till next time RL