General Information

  1. Winter Cooking: Making Comfort Food for Cold and Uncomfortable Times

    Contributed by Jennifer Dawson   When it's cold outside and times are tough, people naturally turn to food to improve their mood. In fact, according to a recent survey, 81 percent of Americans agree that eating their preferred comfort food would make them feel better. During the winter season, our bodies crave hot and indulgent meals, such as thick stews, hearty pies...
  2. Should You Stockpile Food?

    Contributed by Jennifer Dawson   Norway is going to spend $6 million annually to stockpile grains saying that the pandemic, war in Europe, and climate change have made it necessary to do so. If a country is stockpiling food, one wonders whether households should also  store food in the event of emergencies. Granted that governments stockpile to access a 3-month food supply for its people...
  3. Which Dehydrated Foods Can Help You Fight Inflammation?

    Contributed by Jennifer Dawson   The word “inflammation” may conjure up images of a swollen toe or your cheeks after a wisdom tooth extraction, but there is a far more deadly type of inflammation that can often go unnoticed and it is the cause of 50% of all deaths worldwide. Chronic inflammation is the mechanism behind many diseases ranging from cancer...
  4. Camping Food Ideas: Dehydrated Foods Your Trip Won’t Be Complete Without

    Contributed by Jennifer Dawson   Nutritious, delicious, and lightweight, dehydrated foods are a great choice for your next camping trip. In fact, “dehydrated vegetables retain 100% of the calorie content of fresh vegetables while only taking up half of the space”, LiveStrong reveals. So, if you’ve been stressing about planning camping meals, look no further: dehydrated food can create quick, easy, and...
  5. Staying Healthy On A Liquid Diet Recommended For Gastrointestinal Disease

    Contributed by Jennifer Dawson   Going on a liquid diet when you’re in the middle of a gastrointestinal disease (GI) flare-up is a great way to prevent dehydration and heal your body. Meanwhile, snacking on freeze dried foods, such as pineapple, diced chicken, and cauliflower will boost your nutrient levels as you recover. Between 60 and 70 million Americans live with...
  6. The Importance of Water Storage

    Water storage is a very important part of emergency preparedness. An individual can survive without food for a few weeks, but without water they would only survive a few days. So, an extra supply of water is a MUST for emergency survival and preparedness. The recommended amount of water to store for one person is at least one gallon per...
  7. Slash Food Waste, Slash Water Waste With Dehydrated Food

    Contributed by Jennifer Dawson Around 40% of food in the United States goes to waste every year — that’s around 400 pounds of food annually per person. And, since food also has a water footprint, water waste is also intertwined with food waste. In fact, the average individual in the U.S. wastes at least 26,500 gallons of water every year simply...
  8. Debunking Myths about Dehydrated Food

    Contributed by Jennifer Dawson   One of the main reasons why dehydrated foods are chosen by so many families across the globe is because dehydrated foods can be preserved for a long period of time without any refrigeration—as found in the 2022 Dehydrated Food Market Size report. Take blueberries—a juicy fruit that is only harvested from June to early August in...
  9. Wow Your Kids with the Science of Dehydrated Foods

    Contributed by Jennifer Dawson Drying food can take between four and 24 hours, but those who are into the unique texture of dehydrated foods will tell you that the wait is definitely worth it! Dehydrated foods concentrate calorie and sugar content, making them an energy-efficient snack that is quickly absorbed by our bodies. Moreover, their reduced moisture content makes them longer-lasting and helps families...
  10. What Foods Do Astronauts Eat in Space?

    Contributed by Jennifer Dawson Space tourism will be worth $3 billion by 2030, with current efforts by Virgin Galactic, Space X, and Blue Origin having huge ramifications for the industry. Although this mode of flight is currently little more than a hobby for the elite (think Jeff Bezos or Richard Branson), it will be significantly more mainstream sooner than you might have...

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