Start Your Day Off Right!
Breakfast is the most important meal of the day! It gives you that boost of energy to start your day off right and can determine a lot of how the rest of your day will continue. If you’re the kind of person that skips breakfast or eats doughnuts and other sweets first thing in the morning, you may often find yourself eating other junk foods throughout the day, and may experience things such as mood swings4, fatigue1, overeating3, and even weight gain2. None of that sounds good to me! So why not take a few minutes in the morning to feed yourself something that will in the long run help you with your physical and mental health? When you eat a nutritional breakfast in the morning, you’re very likely to find yourself feeling less hungry all day2 and less tired throughout the day because your body will have the nutrients and vitamins it needs to refuel your energy and strength.1 When you eat a healthy breakfast, you’re more apt to continue your day making healthy choices for snacks and other meals, leading to an overall healthy you. With that chain reaction of eating healthy, it will lend a helping hand in keeping your weight maintainable and healthy.3 Eating a nutritional breakfast every morning can also improve your concentration and performance in your daily activities.2
There are so many benefits to eating a good breakfast, and Rainy Day Foods is here to give you many nutritional meals today as a start for a better tomorrow! With such a variety of foods to offer, you could buy several and have a different breakfast all week long! Some examples of our great breakfast foods include having an omelet or French toast using our eggs, a bowl of cereal topped with our monthly special of strawberry-flavored apple flakes or any of our delicious and real freeze-dried fruits, or some nutritious muffins if you have time to bake. My family’s favorite and “fast” food breakfast is fruit-filled waffles with some fresh orange juice! If you don't have time to make fresh orange juice, try Rainy Day Foods vitamin enriched Orange Drink. It's delicious! [caption id="attachment_2632" align="alignleft" width="150"]