
  1. Freeze Dried Food: A Simple Solution to America's Food Problem

    Contributed by Jennifer Dawson The NRDC reports that Americans waste 40% of all food - that’s the equivalent of practically throwing almost half of all purchased food straight into the garbage. With this growing trend of food waste, many are seeking timely ways in which they can preserve food in a meaningful way and save on the expense of waste. Purchasing...
  2. Eat a Healthy Breakfast

    Start Your Day Off Right! Breakfast is the most important meal of the day! It gives you that boost of energy to start your day off right and can determine a lot of how the rest of your day will continue. If you’re the kind of person that skips breakfast or eats doughnuts and other sweets first thing in the...
  3. Huckleberry Muffins with Streusel Topping

    Huckleberry Muffins with Streusel Topping One thing my family absolutely loves is muffins! Whether it’s for a special breakfast, a snack or camping, they are always excited when they see muffins coming out of the oven. This recipe is one of our favorites. I put frozen huckleberries in it but you could switch it up with nuts, chocolate chips...

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