[caption id="attachment_1915" align="aligncenter" width="600"]
Commuting in the winter can be dangerous![/caption]
It’s just an hour after sunset, and the single-digit temperature is settling in on your winter surroundings. The shiny asphalt is giving the illusion that it’s bare and you can drive the speed limit, but you know better. You know that’s really black ice on the road. It’s been lightly snowing all day and now it’s below freezing; the once wet road has now transformed into a black top ice rink, and the road you’re traveling on is full of twisty turns and sharp corners.
This has been a winter never seen before. Traveling to and from work has been hazardous and dangerous. Now is the time to ask yourself if you are prepared for what may happen in your daily commute with winter weather conditions.
Our suggestions![/caption]

by Angelia Kunz
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Make yourself a 24 hour single person traveling emergency kit.
Fill it with EVERYTHING you might need if you find yourself stranded in a situation where going for help just isn’t a safe option. Find yourself a water-tight, hard container to hold all of your emergency essentials, just in case your car ends up in a river and you need to evacuate. Make sure it will fit nicely under one of your seats, or at least in the trunk of your car. Stuff it FULL with supplies that will help you survive the night:- 3 Meals to eat. Some examples are
- Rainy Day Foods Quick & Easy Spaghetti Pasta or any of their Quick & easy meals in the mylar bags
- Mountain House Granola, Blueberry, and Milk Meal or any of their bagged meals
- Military Ready-to-Eat Meals
- A little container of honey to help keep your blood sugar up
- A 2.5 can of ready to eat freeze dried fruit
- Matches/a lighter to melt snow in the 2.5 metal can for extra water
- Mountain House Flameless Heating Kit to cook your meals in
- A couple bottles of water to mix with your meals and drink
- Coghlans Water Purification Tablets to add to melted snow in the 2.5 can for drinkable water
- Aquamira Water Bottle With Filter to drink your snow water out of
- Several packets of hand warmers (use in your shoes to warm your feet, too)
- Pocket size sleeping bag to sleep in or use as a shelter if you have to evacuate from your vehicle
- A couple space blankets for extra warmth
- Bag balm to keep your hands and lips from cracking and bleeding
- A flashlight that has the sharp bottom and flashes SOS (plus extra batteries)
- A whistle to help you call for help
- Several travel-size packets of Kleenex (easier to pack than a toilet paper roll)
- A couple travel-size packets of hand wipes
- A mini first aid kit
- A little funnel (if you run out of gas, take it and an empty #10 can to fill with gas and pour into the tank)
- A deck of cards/a little notebook and pen (keep yourself calm and focused; could write down your thoughts)
- A list of instructions on how to use all this items, including
- Stay active--exercise once every hour to keep your oxygen up and blood flowing
- Use the empty 2.5 can to melt snow to use for water. Once melted, remove from heat and add a purification tablet to make it safe to drink, or simply pour into your filtered water bottle
- Keep two opposite windows cracked just enough to breath in fresh air
- A little note of encouragement (could be written at the beginning of the instructions; just a little something to keep yourself calm and hopeful)
If you buy enough of these items in bulk, you can build several of these emergency kits for each of your vehicles, and even one for all your loved ones. Please be safe!
ALWAYS be prepared!