Contributed by RL


Those were the days! Excitement abounded as that special day in school arrived and we boxed up that most wonderful of all items to show our teacher and friends.  Remember how we could hardly contain the enthusiasm as we jumped for joy at being able to show everyone our little treasure. (

There were dolls, model airplanes, marbles, bracelets, coins, stamps, books and so much more!  We got to show off everything that we treasured at that time which, of course, was the most important to us and we knew that our friends and teacher would see how special it was to us and want one also.

Why, there were show and tells in which we could bring our pets to, well as long as they were not elephants or giraffes, which made us awe in wonder at these animals that our friends had as pets.  There were fish, frogs, toads, dogs, cats, birds, lizards, ants and even snakes not to mention the spiders.  Wow, can you imagine having those wonderful pets in your home? (

That’s what made show and tell so interesting, you never knew what someone was going to bring.  Sometimes they would even bring cookies or brownies which they had made with their moms for a special event and then made extra for the class.  Those were great days!

But I notice that we kind of carry on that same tradition today, even now when we are older, of doing the show and tell thing.  You know like when you get a new car you have to take it to work to show off to our co-workers or our new ultra-big entertainment center that we just have to brag about down at the shop. Perhaps that new 4-wheel drive truck that will go anywhere any time and never get stuck then while we are showing it off we get stuck in a snow drift and have to eat a little crow while we call a tow truck to come and get us. (

How about those pictures of our newborn children or grandchildren that we have to show everyone we meet and we have about a gazillion pictures of these new little family members to show off.  So you see we just keep doing what we learned in grade school those many years ago and the excitement of show and tell just keeps going and going.

I am always doing this, even today, when the family comes by fixing cookies or special popcorn treats.  You know it is fun to create in the kitchen and see smiles on these loved ones faces when they try something you have been practicing on to be the best taste ever for them.  I even like to do a special breakfast for them when they ask for a yummy breakfast with sausage. (

So per request this past week from grandchildren I whipped one breakfast up from 2 cups dehydrated hash browns, 1/4 cup dehydrated mixed peppers, about ½ cup freeze dried cheese, 1/8 cup chopped onion, ¼ tsp. pepper, 1 tsp. real salt, ¼ cup freeze- dried corn and 5 tablespoons whole egg powder. Now this was the first time I made this and I was sure glad that we had some food storage on hand to supply most of the needs seeing these children came to visit before we could make a run to the store.  Not everything I try turns out on the first run but I do get to learn a lot from the effort and usually learn what to do different next time. (

We threw the hash browns into some water (bring water to just below top of hash browns) and put them into the microwave for 3 minutes and then let them soak in the hot steamy water while we cooked the sausage.  Then in our Dutch-oven pan with the sausage we added the hash browns (or you can keep the sausage separate).  Now add the mixed peppers, corn, real salt, pepper and eggs.  Mix well and let cook.  After this has cooked and everything is done, sprinkle the freeze-dried cheese on top and turn off the heat.  The steam from our little skillet will re-hydrate the cheese and melt it into our little breakfast.  You can add a few buttermilk pancakes smothered in maple syrup or honey then add to this some chocolate milk and the kids will just look at you in wonder and those days of show and tell will all return.

Of course, whipping up a breakfast may not be as cool as having a tarantula for a pet but it will make your heart melt when one of the kids say, “ What can we make now?” ‘Till next time RL