Eggs / Dairy

  1. Remember Show and Tell

    Contributed by RL   Those were the days! Excitement abounded as that special day in school arrived and we boxed up that most wonderful of all items to show our teacher and friends.  Remember how we could hardly contain the enthusiasm as we jumped for joy at being able to show everyone our little treasure. ( There were dolls, model...
  2. Harvest! Rewards of a Summer of Sweet Labor.

    Contributed by RL   As I went out of the house to run before dawn you could tell it was definitely cooler as I could see my breath in the air, I was glad I grabbed the gloves. I always love running just before dawn because it is so fresh and crisp. Everything is calm, quiet, well if you don't...
  3. Creamed Garden Vegetables

    Creamed Garden Vegetables Here it is August already and we are starting to enjoy some of the fresh vegetables from our garden. We seem to wait impatiently for the day that we can pick peas and eat them while sitting under a tree. If you are like me and love to grow a garden, you might want to consider...
  4. Fair foods and funnel cakes!

      Country Fair Days We are in the season of fairs-county, city, and state are just a few.   This week we celebrated the raspberry festival fair and I passed the funnel cake booth.    It reminded me that for the past few years we have supplied our dried eggs to several vendors for their food booths.   I confess that I tried...
  5. Snickerdoodle Cookies-summer favorite

    Snickerdoodles-a summer favorite. School is out and the kids are looking for treats. At my house, that means lots of cookies. One of their favorites is Snickerdoodles. If you’ve never had them you are missing out on a yummy cookie and they are a nice change from the usual chocolate chip. My kids even think it is fun to...

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