
  1. The Summer Yard

    Contributed by RL It must be spring!  The Sun is out, the lawn has grown to look like a jungle and the neighbors who farm for a living are out in the fields. It’s warm, almost hot, so now the work begins. You know all that stuff that was out in the yard or blew in over the winter is...
  2. Remember Show and Tell

    Contributed by RL   Those were the days! Excitement abounded as that special day in school arrived and we boxed up that most wonderful of all items to show our teacher and friends.  Remember how we could hardly contain the enthusiasm as we jumped for joy at being able to show everyone our little treasure. ( There were dolls, model...
  3. The Act of Bringing in a New Year

    Contributed by RL   It's that time of year when Christmas is over and the clean-up begins. We know getting rid of all those wrappings from the presents, putting the furniture back into place and deciding when to take down the tree. Then you look at that horde of stuff everyone got and wonder if we are going to have...
  4. Harvest! Rewards of a Summer of Sweet Labor.

    Contributed by RL   As I went out of the house to run before dawn you could tell it was definitely cooler as I could see my breath in the air, I was glad I grabbed the gloves. I always love running just before dawn because it is so fresh and crisp. Everything is calm, quiet, well if you don't...
  5. Breakfast Mash

    Eating hashbrowns with your breakfast is pretty common. Eating mashed potatoes with your breakfast, though, just seems odd. But why? A potato is a potato, so what harm could it do? That’s why for breakfast this morning I made my family a little something I like to call Breakfast Mash. put scrambled eggs and ham on bottom Simply put, Breakfast...
  6. Potato Surprise

    At the end of a long day, all you want to do is sit down and relax…but instead you have hungry tummies that need to be fed. The ultimate question—what to fix for dinner. It seems like that is one of the hardest questions to answer after a stressful day. You know you need to make something that will both...
  7. Chicken Pot Pie

    It’s a new year, which means it’s time for a new start! What a great time to refresh and restock your food storage! If you don’t have a food storage supply, now is a great time to start! It’s ideal for emergency preparedness, but it also comes in handy for those days when you just don’t feel like going to...
  8. White Chicken Enchiladas

    White Chicken Enchiladas There’s one thing that my entire family loves to eat……that’s Mexican food! So I am always looking for yummy new recipes to try. I found this one and it was an instant hit. It really is delicious and quite easy to prepare. (That’s my favorite part.) Here is the recipe: White Chicken Enchiladas Mix together: 2...
  9. Chicken Pot Pie

    Chicken Pot Pie One of my family’s often requested meals is Chicken Pot Pie. I acquired this recipe from a friend several years ago and it was quickly put into the rotation of favorites. While it takes a little time to make, the oohs and aahs you will hear make it worth the effort you put into it. This...

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