Contributed by Jennifer Dawson

Freeze dried food weighs 70%-90% lighter than fresh food while maintaining up to 97% of its nutrition according to Harvest Right Inc. This characteristic makes it easier to handle. Freeze-dried foods are vital for proper nourishment as well as convenient in the preparation of steady diets. They happen to be nutrient-rich and contain a high fiber content which prevents constipation and aids in proper digestion. These foods also solve a number of problems for elderly persons and the people taking care of them.

Budget and Convenience

Older adults may lack the capacity to run to the store every weekend to restock their grocery and food supplies every time they run out. Additionally, maintaining a healthy diet on a retirement budget requires one to be smart about their spending.  This is where freeze-dried food come in handy.  They can be bought in bulk as they take time to go bad. Stocking up on these foods, such as the freeze-dried vegetable or fruit pak, saves one the time and money needed to make numerous trips to restock their cabinets. Most seniors have age-related medical conditions or tire easily. Eliminating constant trips to shop for food is a major relief to them.

Help Impaired Digestion and Absorption

Freezing foods helps prevent bacterial growth in them. Problems brought about by bad bacteria in the digestive tract can occur from fresh food when mishandled. The odds of fresh food going bad or not being properly cleaned are high. This brings about diarrhea which dehydrates the body. Dehydration impairs the digestion and absorption of nutrients leading to overall weakness in elderly persons. Freeze dried food are handled meticulously and are packaged in clean cans under conditions that don't support bacteria growth. The freeze-dried fruit pak, for example, is a healthy vitamin blend you can serve during breakfast or accompany with any meal. It reduces the risk of consuming contaminated fruits that are not washed properly while still supplying all the nutrients seniors need.

High Fiber Content

One of the key requirements for a healthy digestive tract in senior adults is a diet rich in fiber. Most freeze-dried foods have high fiber content. The 6 Grain Rolled can, for example, offers 30% fiber in just one serving. This fiber prevents constipation and improves the functioning of an aging digestive tract keeping it healthy.

High Nutritional Content

Unknown to many, frozen food maintains the nutrition content of the given food at optimum levels longer than fresh food. Fresh food tends to lose nutrients during transportation and storage. It continually loses its integrity due to biological changes that cannot be stopped nor slowed down. Freezing preserves vitamins and minerals present in freeze-dried food making it more nutritious.

Long Shelf Life

Frozen and dried foods have very long shelf lives. Unlike fresh food which goes bad even after a day, dehydrated foods last way longer. One good example is the ABC Soup Mix which can be used to prepare a nutritious meal even 15 years after purchase.

Easier to Keep Track Of Calorie Intake

Carefully planned diets for senior adults are difficult to formulate especially when you hand-prepare everything yourself. You may lack the knowledge needed to keep track of the calories that they take in. Freeze-dried food has all its contents well thought out by professionals. The nutritional information regarding each serving is in most cases written on the side of the can or package. This makes it very easy to accurately track one's calorie intake.

Most people who are skeptical of trying freeze-dried foods believe they are less nutritious, and filled with chemicals so as to make them last as long as they do. This is however not true. The process of freeze drying food merely involves freezing the food in question and using specialized equipment to remove all moisture. After drying, they are packed in airtight containers and shipped for use by consumers. So, not only are they nutritious but they also have zero chemicals added. Their long shelf life, high nutritional content, and ease for preparation make them ideal for the elderly. Best of all, when prepared, they retain the same color, texture, shape, and flavor of the original food.