
  1. Garbage Day

    Contributed by RL It’s like any other day except it is the designated day to clean up because well that’s what we do in spring especially when the kids are coming to visit.  We have to make room for the children and send down the road a few of the items that are cluttering up the house that were essential...
  2. The Fast

    Contributed by RL   Oh my gosh! My wife suggested we take a short trip, some place remote, out of the way. But honestly I did not know that there are places here in America that has no cell, internet or Wi-Fi service. ( Have you ever tried to go for ten days without any of our modern conveniences?  No...
  3. All The Reasons Why Seniors Should Start Stocking Freeze-Dried Food

    Contributed by Jennifer Dawson Freeze dried food weighs 70%-90% lighter than fresh food while maintaining up to 97% of its nutrition according to Harvest Right Inc. This characteristic makes it easier to handle. Freeze-dried foods are vital for proper nourishment as well as convenient in the preparation of steady diets. They happen to be nutrient-rich and contain a high fiber content which...
  4. What Are the Best Dehydrated and Freeze Dried Foods for Specific Diets?

    Contributed by Jennifer Dawson An estimated 45 million Americans adhere to some kind of diet each and every year. Aside from simply having the desire to lose weight, many individuals go on a diet to achieve additional health goals. From calming digestive discomfort to improving one’s blood pressure, there are numerous reasons to stick with a given diet. However, as...
  5. Backpacking Meal Planning: Keep It Light and Nutritious

    Contributed by Jennifer Dawson Backpacking is a fun, but strenuous activity, with the average 160-lb. hiker burning approximately 430 calories per hour. Depending on your body type and level of activity, you could potentially burn over two-thousand calories a day. Backpacking requires a lot of energy, and you’ll need to refuel your body with lots of protein and high-carb foods. When...
  6. Pizza/Spaghetti Sauce

    Basic Recipe: 2 cups water 5 Tbsp. Tomato Powder 1 Tbsp. sugar (white or brown) 1 Tbsp. Italian seasoning (or basil, marjoram, oregano, rosemary, and thyme to equal 1 Tbsp.) (*may also use Rainy Day Foods’ Spaghetti Seasoning) 1 tsp. granulated garlic 1 Tbsp. dried onion 2 tsp. cornstarch or clear jel (hot) Pinch salt Combine ingredients and bring to...
  7. Food Storage through the Years

    Contributed by RL Since Adam and Eve, there has been a constant effort to make life better and richer here on this earth for our children.  One of the first things that made life better was to preserve food for later use. This helped us to have food year round not just in the plenty of harvest or when one...
  8. Spanish Rice

    1 cup white rice 2 Tbsp. Tomato Bouillon (1 Tbsp Tomato Powder + 1 tsp Chicken Bouillon) 1 - 12 oz. package mixed vegetables (may adjust to desired amount)   or ¼ cup freeze dried green beans, ¼ cup freeze dried sweet corn, ¼ cup freeze dried garden peas (or use your favorite freeze dried vegetables) 2 cups water (for every...
  9. The Start of the New

    Contributed by RL With the beginning of the New Year we are all gung ho for living the dream and keeping all of those new goals that we made for the coming year. The reality is it all starts now. So with the early dawn we begin and as we open the door for that early morning running that we...
  10. Family Gathering

    Contributed by RL   Its that time of year when our families gather together from far and near. The weather is just about right, crisp in the mornings and cool in the afternoons. The Aspen trees have changed colors and have mostly lost their leaves in our area and the smell of pine trees is clear in the air with...

Items 1 to 10 of 24 total
