Contributed by RL
It’s funny how we are all different in our own ways. When one is at the barber, while waiting your turn, if you are not reading a magazine you are watching those who come into the shop who also want to get a haircut. Lots of times those who come in are people you know and it makes for a good visit to find out the latest on what is happening around on the other side of the valley in Bear Lake. You hear about events that have taken place like the winter bomb cyclone that hit in Wyoming and Colorado causing cars and people to get stranded. You talk about all the things that we would do if it had been us, which brought us to a consensus that we all needed to get a 72-hour emergency kit in our vehicles because it takes time to get help in a major storm like that one. Of course we can get one from Rainy Day Foods along with a food pack to supplement our own home supplies in case we get stranded in our homes. (Snowplows can be pretty slow sometimes getting to the house.) Of course I was happy that I was not one of the unfortunate motorists on the roads during that storm but I will make sure my car’s 72-hour emergency kit is up to date none the less. (
At the barber shop you get to meet all kinds of people of all ages; young, old and in-between, farmers, businessmen, weekend residents, vacationers and families all come to get some hair out of their eyes. Families and teenagers are the most interesting of course.
I have seen grandparents bring their grandchildren in to have a little trim so they can look good for church. The look on the faces of these youth who are trying to tell their grandparents that their hair is just fine. “Well,” grandparents say, "just a trim will make it look so nice.” Our local barber moves in with the scissors looking a bit apprehensive, at these times, and just as he begins to cut the boy says, “not very much! I like the way it is right now, I only came because my grandparents told me I had to.” So with a sigh our barber friend takes as little as he can to make the edges look straight and some off the ears. Looking into the mirror the boy says, “Well, it was a little much but I guess it will have to do.” The grandparents pay for the cut shaking their heads and say, “at least he is not so shaggy.” (
Of course, there are those who prefer to cut their own hair at home. The only problem I can see with that is when you give yourself a haircut, and everyone knows you cut your own hair; you cannot just say the barber did it, now can you, especially if it looks a little lopsided.
Well do I remember the days of taking our boys down to see the barber for the first time, the wiggling and the rubbing of their eyes and trying to look into the mirror on the wall to see what was happening. I am sure the Barber didn’t charge enough that day. After that we tried cutting their hair at home with less than perfect results as you can imagine, so it was back to the barber until they got older and got their friends to help them cut their hair. Mostly these friends were girls. ( When we got them to go to the barber we always promised them their favorite desert at home which made the event go a lot easier.
Our boys liked to participate in track and during the season a haircut just was not a thing that they or the team took time to do. When district and state came up and with a little encouragement from the coach about how they represented the school and our valley many of the boys began getting those needed trims.
One of our boys was indeed inspired by this to have his hair taken care of as well and informed us that he would be going over to his friend’s house to have this done in just the right way. You can imagine the thoughts that ran through our minds seeing that some of the team had literally shaved their heads. Does anyone remember the “butch” haircut? You’re right. I had one once and I know why they went out of style.
So cooking up some homemade popcorn we sat down for the evening with the rest of the children and watched a movie as we waited for our son to return home. Turns out there were several girls helping with his new “Do”. Being in a farming community we thought he was just going to shave his head like some of the other members of his team. We were not quite prepared for the dreadlocks hair-style cut that came home that night. It definitely was a different look and everyone was talking about it at districts. You know there were not prouder parents at the state competition as we watched the boy’s team in the 4 by 4 relay race from Bear Lake Idaho, which he was a part of, take first place. Of course, knowing that before every meet you could see him wander to the middle of the field and going down on a knee to offer a prayer to do his best and also the team, well it still makes my eyes moist even today. Of course today he would be hard pressed to get those dreadlocks but his family sure makes us all smile as we remember back in the day. (
No matter how we look today; long hair, short hair, colored hair, styled or bald one thing is for sure, we want to be prepared for those unexpected events, like bomb cyclones, that show up in our lives. I think all of us should try and see if we can cook a meal out of our food storage to see if we can make a meal that a king would be glad he came and ate or if it would be something the dog would turn his nose up at. If we don’t have any reserve food then maybe we better look up Rainy Day Foods and bring ourselves a little peace of mind. And let’s not forget to update or get our 72-hour emergency kits in our cars! ‘Till next time RL