food paks

  1. The Ritual of a Haircut

    Contributed by RL It’s funny how we are all different in our own ways.  When one is at the barber, while waiting your turn, if you are not reading a magazine you are watching those who come into the shop who also want to get a haircut.  Lots of times those who come in are people you know and it...
  2. Food Storage through the Years

    Contributed by RL Since Adam and Eve, there has been a constant effort to make life better and richer here on this earth for our children.  One of the first things that made life better was to preserve food for later use. This helped us to have food year round not just in the plenty of harvest or when one...
  3. The Journey Home

    contributed by RL   This past week we had the opportunity to watch 5 of our grandchildren as they visited with us in all of their youthful excitement and wonder. But since the larger half of them are in school we needed to take them back to their home Sunday after church. They were excited to be heading back home...

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