dried food

  1. Hot and Cold: Freeze Drying and Dehydration Methods that are Changing the Freeze Dried Food Industry

    Contributed by Jennifer Dawson It’s an exciting time for manufacturers and consumers of foods like freeze dried broccoli, freeze dried strawberries, or freeze dried apples, with new technologies adding value to different foods and enabling foods to retain the maximum amount of nutrients. The global freeze-dried foods market is expected to post a CAGR of over 7% between 2018 and...
  2. Meal Budgeting Tips For New Graduates

    Contributed by Jennifer Dawson Every year nearly 5 million students graduate from colleges around the USA, according to the National Center for Educational Statistics. One of the hardest parts about flying the nest and fending for yourself is learning to cook independently. Not only can preparing appetizing, nutritious meals be harrowing for someone who has never had to do it before, but it...
  3. The Ritual of a Haircut

    Contributed by RL It’s funny how we are all different in our own ways.  When one is at the barber, while waiting your turn, if you are not reading a magazine you are watching those who come into the shop who also want to get a haircut.  Lots of times those who come in are people you know and it...
  4. Pizza/Spaghetti Sauce

    Basic Recipe: 2 cups water 5 Tbsp. Tomato Powder 1 Tbsp. sugar (white or brown) 1 Tbsp. Italian seasoning (or basil, marjoram, oregano, rosemary, and thyme to equal 1 Tbsp.) (*may also use Rainy Day Foods’ Spaghetti Seasoning) 1 tsp. granulated garlic 1 Tbsp. dried onion 2 tsp. cornstarch or clear jel (hot) Pinch salt Combine ingredients and bring to...
  5. Food Storage through the Years

    Contributed by RL Since Adam and Eve, there has been a constant effort to make life better and richer here on this earth for our children.  One of the first things that made life better was to preserve food for later use. This helped us to have food year round not just in the plenty of harvest or when one...
  6. Freeze Dried Food: A Simple Solution to America's Food Problem

    Contributed by Jennifer Dawson The NRDC reports that Americans waste 40% of all food - that’s the equivalent of practically throwing almost half of all purchased food straight into the garbage. With this growing trend of food waste, many are seeking timely ways in which they can preserve food in a meaningful way and save on the expense of waste. Purchasing...
  7. The Commute

    Contributed by RL It starts out early and seems to get earlier every week. Of course you have to warm up the car to help defrost the windows, in this cold winter weather, which means you have to go outside an extra time in the cold. The steering wheel is cold so you have to wear gloves that your hands...
  8. Ham and Kidney Bean Soup (crock pot method)

    Contributed by Tina Otazua 8 to 10 cups water 2 ham hocks 16 oz kidney beans fresh garlic or minced garlic to taste (approx. 2 cloves) 1 whole onion, diced 1 14-15 oz. can diced tomatoes 2-3 tsp. seasoning salt 1 tsp. Southwest Seasoning   Put beans and ham along with the garlic and spices in the crock pot. Add...
  9. Stretching Your Dehydrated Food Stock: Making Supplies Last

    Contributed by Jennifer Dawson Freeze-dried foods are considered to be the best type of dehydrated food due to the fact that their texture and taste are retained after rehydration. If you’ve got a rainy day food stock, you’ll likely already understand the benefits of being able to make certain foods last well past the traditional expiration period. Seeing as these types of...

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