
  1. Is The Wild Calling?

    Contributed by RL 2 person 72 hour kit As I was out running the other morning with the moon hiding behind the inbound clouds, the air was crisp and the road crunching loudly under my feet, life is good. Suddenly the cry of a dog that was out scouting the area for adventure, who was scared into alertness at the...
  2. National Preparedness Month

    Contributed by RL Deluxe 2 person 72 hour kit And what a month it has been! Volcanic eruptions, typhoons, hurricanes, earthquakes, fire, flooding and drought all rolled up into our national preparedness month. Do we know when to pick a preparedness month or what! The Carolina's are still trying to clean up from Hurricane Florence and the misery that it...
  3. Get Prepared - Cooking Aids and Spices

    National Preparedness Month is almost over and we have made a great start in getting more prepared by storing the basics: grains, beans & legumes, pasta, rice and vegetables. Now that we have some basic foods, we need to add items that enhance the flavor and make these basic foods a delicious meal. Cooking aids (such as baking powder, baking...

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