September 2018

  1. Wisp of Memory; Bicycle Race!

    Contributed by RL   Remember that day you got your first real bicycle? It was new, shiny, and it felt like we floated on air when we road, after we figured out how to stay up on those two wheels. This represented a freedom from our yard and block; in minutes we could explore the vast world beyond! As we...
  2. Harvest! Rewards of a Summer of Sweet Labor.

    Contributed by RL   As I went out of the house to run before dawn you could tell it was definitely cooler as I could see my breath in the air, I was glad I grabbed the gloves. I always love running just before dawn because it is so fresh and crisp. Everything is calm, quiet, well if you don't...
  3. Keep Vitamin Deficiency At Bay With These 6 Vitamin-Rich Foods

    Contributed by Josh Wardini   Vitamins are regarded as essential nutrients because our body can’t do without them. They perform a range of important functions, such as enhancing immunity, healing wounds, converting food into energy, and repairing cellular damage, among others. Although we need vitamins in very tiny amounts, their deficiency can cause many health concerns. According to Dr. Djordjevic...

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