water storage

  1. The Importance of Water Storage

    Water storage is a very important part of emergency preparedness. An individual can survive without food for a few weeks, but without water they would only survive a few days. So, an extra supply of water is a MUST for emergency survival and preparedness. The recommended amount of water to store for one person is at least one gallon per...
  2. The Act of Bringing in a New Year

    Contributed by RL   It's that time of year when Christmas is over and the clean-up begins. We know getting rid of all those wrappings from the presents, putting the furniture back into place and deciding when to take down the tree. Then you look at that horde of stuff everyone got and wonder if we are going to have...
  3. Mountain Man, Adventurer; Peg Leg Smith

    Contributed by RL   October is a time for tales. And one bigger than life folklore (villain/ hero) of the Bear Lake Valley was the one time resident that operated a trading post along the east bank of the Bear River just west of what is known as Big Hill for a few years starting in 1848. (http://idahoptv.org/outdoors/shows/pathwaysofpioneers/BigHill.cfm) In the...
  4. Wisp of Memory; Bicycle Race!

    Contributed by RL   Remember that day you got your first real bicycle? It was new, shiny, and it felt like we floated on air when we road, after we figured out how to stay up on those two wheels. This represented a freedom from our yard and block; in minutes we could explore the vast world beyond! As we...

    Contributed by RL Deluxe 2 person 72 hour kit As we listened to the news we have learned of a new fissure that has opened up in the Grand Teton National Park. Of course it being a part of the greater Yellowstone Park area some of the media caught it and did a brief run on the end of the...

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