emergency kit

  1. That Crisp Crinkling In the Air

    Contributed by RL This morning was one of those "it's cold out here" mornings. The sun had not yet arrived but the stars were out in all their glory twinkling as they only can after a snow storm. Then, once a winter storm is over, the cold pushes its way in, freezing that slush and water that were running around...
  2. The Bear Old Ephraim

    contributed by RL As legends go Old Ephraim has to rank as one of the biggest. In the prime of his life he stood 9 feet eleven inches tall standing on his back legs. He out smarted many a would be hunter, and there were a lot, that tried to bring the big grizzly down. Sheepherders also referred to the...
  3. Folklore the things of Legends

    contributed by RL We have all heard them, the folklore's that inspire us, or scare us, while we sit around the campfire roasting our marshmallows to the warmth of glowing embers as darkness falls upon our campsite. Maybe they have been told to you during a sleep over or while visiting relatives to spur your imagination to help you sleep...

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