
  1. Garbage Day

    Contributed by RL It’s like any other day except it is the designated day to clean up because well that’s what we do in spring especially when the kids are coming to visit.  We have to make room for the children and send down the road a few of the items that are cluttering up the house that were essential...
  2. All The Reasons Why Seniors Should Start Stocking Freeze-Dried Food

    Contributed by Jennifer Dawson Freeze dried food weighs 70%-90% lighter than fresh food while maintaining up to 97% of its nutrition according to Harvest Right Inc. This characteristic makes it easier to handle. Freeze-dried foods are vital for proper nourishment as well as convenient in the preparation of steady diets. They happen to be nutrient-rich and contain a high fiber content which...
  3. The Start of the New

    Contributed by RL With the beginning of the New Year we are all gung ho for living the dream and keeping all of those new goals that we made for the coming year. The reality is it all starts now. So with the early dawn we begin and as we open the door for that early morning running that we...
  4. Celebrate Banana Day with Frosted Banana Cake!

    Happy Banana Day! Today is banana day! A terrific fruit that is excellent anytime! Bananas offer so many health benefits for everyone to enjoy! A banana is loaded with potassium, which can help increase alertness1. Bananas are officially recognized by the FDA as being able to lower blood pressure and protect against heart attack and stroke.1 Eating bananas have...
  5. Dutch Oven Peach Cobbler

    Dutch Oven Peach Cobbler Labor day weekend--the final weekend of summer has come and gone. School is back in session. The final three-day vacation of the season has just finished up, and everyone’s back home. For us, what better way to spend our last summer vacation than to go camping. To celebrate our last night away from reality, we...

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