freeze dried

  1. Merry Christmas!

    Contributed by RL   As we are watching the snow fall outside it brings a smile to our faces because it will be a white Christmas this year. ( I know that not everyone likes the snow but for one day in the year to have it, this is the one. It's a chance to throw a few snowballs at...
  2. Utah State Preparedness Expo - recipes

    We had a really great time in Salt Lake at the Utah State Preparedness Expo Saturday, September 12. We met a lot of wonderful people who are trying to get prepared with food storage. As I was giving out different food samples, I had several who asked for the recipes for the chili and fruit cobbler that I had made...
  3. Top 10 Food Items to Store

    As I said in my last blog, a few weeks ago I attended a very interesting preparedness meeting that had a lot of great ideas. They gave some top ten lists that I thought were really good. The first list was the top 10 non-food items to store that I wrote about last time. This time I wanted to share...
  4. Celebrate Banana Day with Frosted Banana Cake!

    Happy Banana Day! Today is banana day! A terrific fruit that is excellent anytime! Bananas offer so many health benefits for everyone to enjoy! A banana is loaded with potassium, which can help increase alertness1. Bananas are officially recognized by the FDA as being able to lower blood pressure and protect against heart attack and stroke.1 Eating bananas have...
  5. It's Strawberry Day!

    Strawberry Gelatin This strawberry dessert is very simple to make and makes for a sweet treat for anyone. For the gelatin, I followed the written instructions on the product, which equaled 2-3 servings, but it’s easy to adjust for however many servings you want to make. This strawberry gelatin is a 1-to-3-to-3 ratio, calling for 1 part gelatin mix...
  6. Get Prepared - Vegetables

    No meal is complete without vegetables – whether as a side dish or as an ingredient in the main entrée. Likewise, no food storage supply is complete without a variety of vegetables. Dehydrated and/or freeze dried vegetables are a great way to include vegetables in your food storage supply. When stored properly in air-tight containers, vegetables will store 20 to...
  7. Creamed Garden Vegetables

    Creamed Garden Vegetables Here it is August already and we are starting to enjoy some of the fresh vegetables from our garden. We seem to wait impatiently for the day that we can pick peas and eat them while sitting under a tree. If you are like me and love to grow a garden, you might want to consider...
  8. White Chicken Enchiladas

    White Chicken Enchiladas There’s one thing that my entire family loves to eat……that’s Mexican food! So I am always looking for yummy new recipes to try. I found this one and it was an instant hit. It really is delicious and quite easy to prepare. (That’s my favorite part.) Here is the recipe: White Chicken Enchiladas Mix together: 2...

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