
  1. Wash Your Hands!

    Contributed by RL   I don’t know about you but I heard this expression a lot when I was a kid growing up.   I believe this admonition has been around since time began by mothers who tried hard to raise us, their children, to be clean and germ free.   Moms always seem to have a sixth sense about what we...
  2. The Start of the New

    Contributed by RL With the beginning of the New Year we are all gung ho for living the dream and keeping all of those new goals that we made for the coming year. The reality is it all starts now. So with the early dawn we begin and as we open the door for that early morning running that we...
  3. Winter Solstice

    Contributed by RL   I know that we still have a few weeks until the winter solstice but with the weather turning cold and snow in the forecast I thought we could talk about winter. Winter brings to mind icycles hanging off roofs, horse-drawn wagons heading into the fields bearing hay to feed the livestock, the scraping of ice off...
  4. Family Gathering

    Contributed by RL   Its that time of year when our families gather together from far and near. The weather is just about right, crisp in the mornings and cool in the afternoons. The Aspen trees have changed colors and have mostly lost their leaves in our area and the smell of pine trees is clear in the air with...
  5. Get Prepared - Grains

    Rainy Day Foods wheat September is National Preparedness Month and food storage is a major component of preparedness along with emergency supplies and non-food items. Having a supply of food can bring great peace of mind in times of economic hardship as well as those times of natural calamity. One of the staples of food storage is grain. Grain...

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