
  1. The Park

    Contributed by RL We woke up early with the birds singing, blue sky and a soft breeze. When we stepped out the back door into the large yard we knew it was going to be a beautiful day. You know the day when you need to wear sunscreen, but aww, it is just such a pretty day, why bother. Soon...
  2. The Ritual of a Haircut

    Contributed by RL It’s funny how we are all different in our own ways.  When one is at the barber, while waiting your turn, if you are not reading a magazine you are watching those who come into the shop who also want to get a haircut.  Lots of times those who come in are people you know and it...
  3. It's beginning to feel like Christmas

    Contributed by RL   Once Thanksgiving is over, when I was a youth, stores would open their doors ready for the Christmas rush. (Can you remember the first day this year you saw Christmas decorations and displays being put up at a local store?) Rooms and basements that had been closed were now open for us, the kids, to explore...
  4. Folklore the things of Legends

    contributed by RL We have all heard them, the folklore's that inspire us, or scare us, while we sit around the campfire roasting our marshmallows to the warmth of glowing embers as darkness falls upon our campsite. Maybe they have been told to you during a sleep over or while visiting relatives to spur your imagination to help you sleep...
  5. The Power of Popcorn

    Contributed by Rick Lamm   A few weeks ago we had our grandchildren visiting for a couple of days, with out their parents! This is a time for us to visit and bond with the children as they do not live close and visiting is not a daily or weekly event. This group of 5 grandchild range in ages from...

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