
  1. The Act of Bringing in a New Year

    Contributed by RL   It's that time of year when Christmas is over and the clean-up begins. We know getting rid of all those wrappings from the presents, putting the furniture back into place and deciding when to take down the tree. Then you look at that horde of stuff everyone got and wonder if we are going to have...
  2. Family Gathering

    Contributed by RL   Its that time of year when our families gather together from far and near. The weather is just about right, crisp in the mornings and cool in the afternoons. The Aspen trees have changed colors and have mostly lost their leaves in our area and the smell of pine trees is clear in the air with...
  3. Get Prepared - Vegetables

    No meal is complete without vegetables – whether as a side dish or as an ingredient in the main entrée. Likewise, no food storage supply is complete without a variety of vegetables. Dehydrated and/or freeze dried vegetables are a great way to include vegetables in your food storage supply. When stored properly in air-tight containers, vegetables will store 20 to...

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