Family time at farmers market can be fun!

Family time at farmers market can be fun!


Summer months are filled with vacations, swimming lessons, camping trips, and reunions.   We are also more aware of hurricanes, tornadoes, and drought.   These fun and family days of summer often keep us from the planning and preparing our home storage.   However weather and finances remind us of the need to find ways to add to our pantry as well as our storage.   Gardens and farmers markets can help us keep on track by dehydrating, and bottling fresh supplies.   If you have a garden you know the satisfaction it can bring.   If you are not able to raise your own produce take advantage of your farmers markets.   You'll find great deals with healthy and delicious products.  Oxygen absorbers, mylar bags, or buckets can be a great help in storing your extra.

This is the perfect time to dehydrate or preserve the extra produce for the long winter months.