July 2018


    Contributed by RL Deluxe 2 person 72 hour kit As we listened to the news we have learned of a new fissure that has opened up in the Grand Teton National Park. Of course it being a part of the greater Yellowstone Park area some of the media caught it and did a brief run on the end of the...
  2. Using Nutritious Whole Foods For Snacking and Eating!

    contributed by RL   We got a phone call the other day from my brother-in-law informing us that he was going to come and visit. Not too unusual except he was going to backpack over the mountain for the visit. He is into hiking, camping and biking and Bear Lake (https://parksandrecreation.idaho.gov/parks/bear-lake) is one of his favorite places to visit. My...
  3. The Power of Popcorn

    Contributed by Rick Lamm   A few weeks ago we had our grandchildren visiting for a couple of days, with out their parents! This is a time for us to visit and bond with the children as they do not live close and visiting is not a daily or weekly event. This group of 5 grandchild range in ages from...
  4. How To Make Nutritious And Tasty Garnishes

    contributed by Jennifer Dawson Edible stir sticks for cocktails and mocktails are the hottest trend in garnishes, according to the Food Network. With the right ingredients and small kitchen appliances, it’s possible to create superb garnishes that are enjoyable and wholesome. These tips will help home chefs of all skill levels to master impressive garnishes that are nutrient-rich and very easy...
  5. Macronutrient Balance: It's Time to Start Loving Carbs Again

    Article contributed by Jennifer Dawson Carbs have so often been seen as the bad guys, the ones to cut out of your diet if you want to lose some weight. But maybe it’s time to start loving carbs again. Proteins, carbs and fat, the three macronutrients that our bodies need, are all essential for good health. And it turns out...

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