May 2019

  1. Trail Mix

    Contributed by Richelle Stocker   1 package of semi-sweet or milk chocolate chips (your preference) 1 – 16 oz. package of dry roasted salted peanuts 2 cups Dehydrated Banana Slices 1 – 6 oz. package dried cranberries   Mix together and enjoy!
  2. All The Reasons Why Seniors Should Start Stocking Freeze-Dried Food

    Contributed by Jennifer Dawson Freeze dried food weighs 70%-90% lighter than fresh food while maintaining up to 97% of its nutrition according to Harvest Right Inc. This characteristic makes it easier to handle. Freeze-dried foods are vital for proper nourishment as well as convenient in the preparation of steady diets. They happen to be nutrient-rich and contain a high fiber content which...
  3. The Park

    Contributed by RL We woke up early with the birds singing, blue sky and a soft breeze. When we stepped out the back door into the large yard we knew it was going to be a beautiful day. You know the day when you need to wear sunscreen, but aww, it is just such a pretty day, why bother. Soon...
  4. What Are the Best Dehydrated and Freeze Dried Foods for Specific Diets?

    Contributed by Jennifer Dawson An estimated 45 million Americans adhere to some kind of diet each and every year. Aside from simply having the desire to lose weight, many individuals go on a diet to achieve additional health goals. From calming digestive discomfort to improving one’s blood pressure, there are numerous reasons to stick with a given diet. However, as...

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