November 2018

  1. It's beginning to feel like Christmas

    Contributed by RL   Once Thanksgiving is over, when I was a youth, stores would open their doors ready for the Christmas rush. (Can you remember the first day this year you saw Christmas decorations and displays being put up at a local store?) Rooms and basements that had been closed were now open for us, the kids, to explore...
  2. Winter Solstice

    Contributed by RL   I know that we still have a few weeks until the winter solstice but with the weather turning cold and snow in the forecast I thought we could talk about winter. Winter brings to mind icycles hanging off roofs, horse-drawn wagons heading into the fields bearing hay to feed the livestock, the scraping of ice off...
  3. Family Gathering

    Contributed by RL   Its that time of year when our families gather together from far and near. The weather is just about right, crisp in the mornings and cool in the afternoons. The Aspen trees have changed colors and have mostly lost their leaves in our area and the smell of pine trees is clear in the air with...
  4. The Journey Home

    contributed by RL   This past week we had the opportunity to watch 5 of our grandchildren as they visited with us in all of their youthful excitement and wonder. But since the larger half of them are in school we needed to take them back to their home Sunday after church. They were excited to be heading back home...
  5. Our Right to Vote

    Contributed by RL   After the Boston Tea Party and Bunker Hill our nation had to get down to the businesses of being a nation. Why? Because we were tired of being taxed without representation and having laws and regulations changed without any notice or our input. Really the average citizen loved the King of England, it was just those...

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