March 2015

  1. Warm Up From the Inside

    We usually have snow here at home this time of year, but it has decided to warm up enough to turn the snow to rain. Even though it’s a little warmer than usual, the weather still puts a chill on the bones, especially in the evenings. The quickest way to warm up is to start from the inside, and what...
  2. Tomato Soup - A Timeless Classic

    Tomato Basil Soup with Grilled Cheese Sandwich I’m sure one childhood memory we all share is the joy of eating a hot bowl of tomato soup after a fun day playing in the cold. It’s a heart-warming flavorful soup that has been around for many years. Tomato soup made its first documented appearance in America in 1872 by our...
  3. Soup's On!

    When the weather is snowing like crazy or has below-freezing temperatures, there’s no better food to warm up with than soup! Here at Rainy Day Foods, we have many delicious choices for you to choose from—including gluten-free! To finish off the winter season, we are going to be highlighting some of our favorite soups and help you warm up ‘til...

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