food storage

  1. Perfect Family Food Prep For Your Self-Catering Cabin Break

    Contributed by Jennifer Dawson   Travelers spent $258 billion on food services during their 2017 vacations, according to the U.S Travel Association. But you needn't spend anywhere near as much on a self-catering cabin holiday. Tucked away in a cozy cabin on a quiet site, there’s nothing better than enjoying time with your family with some good quality food. Even 25...
  2. Why Home & Food Storage?

    Contributed by RL Freeze dried 1 Year Food Pak This past week we had some free-lance writers visiting us at Rainy Day Foods. They were fascinated with our process of and the fact that we take freeze dried, dehydrated and dried food and package them into 6 gallon buckets and can them into #10 and #2.5 cans for long term...
  3. July is for Apple Pie and Mom!

    Contributed by RL   Here in the west July is a big month. We celebrate 4 July with the rest of the nation by indulging in parades, picnics and fireworks. Then we turn around and celebrate again on the 24 July that heritage that brought us here to the west and to this, the United States of America. Our Pioneer...

    Contributed by RL Deluxe 2 person 72 hour kit As we listened to the news we have learned of a new fissure that has opened up in the Grand Teton National Park. Of course it being a part of the greater Yellowstone Park area some of the media caught it and did a brief run on the end of the...
  5. The Power of Popcorn

    Contributed by Rick Lamm   A few weeks ago we had our grandchildren visiting for a couple of days, with out their parents! This is a time for us to visit and bond with the children as they do not live close and visiting is not a daily or weekly event. This group of 5 grandchild range in ages from...
  6. Macronutrient Balance: It's Time to Start Loving Carbs Again

    Article contributed by Jennifer Dawson Carbs have so often been seen as the bad guys, the ones to cut out of your diet if you want to lose some weight. But maybe it’s time to start loving carbs again. Proteins, carbs and fat, the three macronutrients that our bodies need, are all essential for good health. And it turns out...
  7. Keeping the Good Food Coming While Camping

    Camping is by far one of the most popular past time in America as more than 40 million people are reported to camp at least once a year. Any ardent camper will tell you that, apart from a great camping spot and good company, the food you make is one of the most important contributors towards an overall enjoyable experience. While hot...
  8. Dry Molasses

    Have you tried Dried Molasses Dehydrated molasses powder is a versatile product that can be used in cookies, dry rubs, and in barbecue sauces. Molasses powder is great to use without the sticky mess in your recipes. This is a delicious addition to your food storage staples. It is on special this month. Go to for pricing!
  9. Make Every Day Earth Day

    “We rarely stop to examine the effects on the environment unless we are hit by a natural disaster…The natural balance of the world is shifting dangerously away from us and we should take care of our environment before it is too late.”1 When was the last time you stopped and smelled the roses? How about the last time you took...
  10. Get Prepared - Grains

    Rainy Day Foods wheat September is National Preparedness Month and food storage is a major component of preparedness along with emergency supplies and non-food items. Having a supply of food can bring great peace of mind in times of economic hardship as well as those times of natural calamity. One of the staples of food storage is grain. Grain...

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