
  1. Is The Wild Calling?

    Contributed by RL 2 person 72 hour kit As I was out running the other morning with the moon hiding behind the inbound clouds, the air was crisp and the road crunching loudly under my feet, life is good. Suddenly the cry of a dog that was out scouting the area for adventure, who was scared into alertness at the...
  2. The Journey Home

    contributed by RL   This past week we had the opportunity to watch 5 of our grandchildren as they visited with us in all of their youthful excitement and wonder. But since the larger half of them are in school we needed to take them back to their home Sunday after church. They were excited to be heading back home...
  3. National Preparedness Month

    Contributed by RL Deluxe 2 person 72 hour kit And what a month it has been! Volcanic eruptions, typhoons, hurricanes, earthquakes, fire, flooding and drought all rolled up into our national preparedness month. Do we know when to pick a preparedness month or what! The Carolina's are still trying to clean up from Hurricane Florence and the misery that it...
  4. Macronutrient Balance: It's Time to Start Loving Carbs Again

    Article contributed by Jennifer Dawson Carbs have so often been seen as the bad guys, the ones to cut out of your diet if you want to lose some weight. But maybe it’s time to start loving carbs again. Proteins, carbs and fat, the three macronutrients that our bodies need, are all essential for good health. And it turns out...
  5. Eat a Healthy Breakfast

    Start Your Day Off Right! Breakfast is the most important meal of the day! It gives you that boost of energy to start your day off right and can determine a lot of how the rest of your day will continue. If you’re the kind of person that skips breakfast or eats doughnuts and other sweets first thing in the...

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