
  1. What Are the Best Dehydrated and Freeze Dried Foods for Specific Diets?

    Contributed by Jennifer Dawson An estimated 45 million Americans adhere to some kind of diet each and every year. Aside from simply having the desire to lose weight, many individuals go on a diet to achieve additional health goals. From calming digestive discomfort to improving one’s blood pressure, there are numerous reasons to stick with a given diet. However, as...
  2. The Journey Home

    contributed by RL   This past week we had the opportunity to watch 5 of our grandchildren as they visited with us in all of their youthful excitement and wonder. But since the larger half of them are in school we needed to take them back to their home Sunday after church. They were excited to be heading back home...
  3. Fair Week!

    Contributed by RL   You can smell the excitement in the air! Oh, that is the smoke from a fire burning not to far away on the east side of Bear Lake. But really there is a feeling of excitement as people awake and begin their week then realize that this is fair week for Bear Lake county. (https://www.facebook.com/Bear-Lake-County-Fair-1641811732750830/) Our...

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