Rainy Day Foods

Emergency Food Storage Tips & Recipes

  1. Potato Cakes

    Potatoes are a definite must-have when it comes to your food storage. They are a terrific addition to any breakfast in the form of hashbrowns, or in the form of potato dices they can be mixed in with other breakfast meals. You can eat potatoes for lunch and dinner as a side dish such as mashed potatoes or French fries...
  2. Butter Mashed Potatoes

    Butter mashed potatoes make a delicious side dish! Here at Rainy Day Foods, we package all of our products with our customers in mind. We strive to distribute delicious and nutritious meals that will come in handy not only in emergency situations, but also for everyday use. We like to pride ourselves on giving our costumers’ their money’s worth...
  3. Potato Surprise

    At the end of a long day, all you want to do is sit down and relax…but instead you have hungry tummies that need to be fed. The ultimate question—what to fix for dinner. It seems like that is one of the hardest questions to answer after a stressful day. You know you need to make something that will both...
  4. Eat a Healthy Breakfast

    Start Your Day Off Right! Breakfast is the most important meal of the day! It gives you that boost of energy to start your day off right and can determine a lot of how the rest of your day will continue. If you’re the kind of person that skips breakfast or eats doughnuts and other sweets first thing in the...
  5. Chicken Pot Pie

    It’s a new year, which means it’s time for a new start! What a great time to refresh and restock your food storage! If you don’t have a food storage supply, now is a great time to start! It’s ideal for emergency preparedness, but it also comes in handy for those days when you just don’t feel like going to...
  6. Giving the Gift that Keeps on Giving

    Snowman Pizza ‘Tis the season of giving. Most people believe in giving presents, and there is nothing wrong with that. Giving thoughtful gifts and necessities to those important people in your life and also to those in need and who can’t afford to do a lot is a great way of spreading Christmas cheer! One of the necessities in...
  7. Twice Baked Potatoes

    Twice Baked Potatoes During the holidays, it’s a tradition for families and friends to all come together and celebrate. When it comes to celebrations and get-togethers, food is an absolute must-have! Everybody loves food! And when you have a lot of people gathered together, you either need a lot of food or something that’s filling! Twice-baked potatoes are very...
  8. Spreading Christmas Cheer

    Spreading Christmas Cheer Nowadays people seem to think that Christmas is all about the gifts they receive and spending money on fancy items or “the latest trend” that they really don’t need. However, that is not what Christmas is about. It’s about being Christ-like and giving to those around you—giving to those in need and giving to those less...
  9. Rainy Day Foods Creamy Potato Soup

    With the chill in the air, there’s no other food that quite warms the body better than a bowl of soup! There are so many different choices of soup to choose from! You could have a bowl of soup every day of the week and not eat the same thing twice! If you’re looking for a gift for someone and...
  10. Wintertime Traveling Tips

    Wintertime is here again. The snow is on the ground, the temperatures are lower, the days are shorter, and water has started to freeze. We as humans seem to forget that when these changes occur, we have to adjust the way we travel. The driving conditions are a lot different in the wintertime than in the summertime. As the snow...

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