
  1. Celebrate Banana Day with Frosted Banana Cake!

    Happy Banana Day! Today is banana day! A terrific fruit that is excellent anytime! Bananas offer so many health benefits for everyone to enjoy! A banana is loaded with potassium, which can help increase alertness1. Bananas are officially recognized by the FDA as being able to lower blood pressure and protect against heart attack and stroke.1 Eating bananas have...
  2. Get Prepared - Vegetables

    No meal is complete without vegetables – whether as a side dish or as an ingredient in the main entrée. Likewise, no food storage supply is complete without a variety of vegetables. Dehydrated and/or freeze dried vegetables are a great way to include vegetables in your food storage supply. When stored properly in air-tight containers, vegetables will store 20 to...
  3. Creamed Garden Vegetables

    Creamed Garden Vegetables Here it is August already and we are starting to enjoy some of the fresh vegetables from our garden. We seem to wait impatiently for the day that we can pick peas and eat them while sitting under a tree. If you are like me and love to grow a garden, you might want to consider...
  4. Summer and food storage.

    Family time at farmers market can be fun!   Summer months are filled with vacations, swimming lessons, camping trips, and reunions.   We are also more aware of hurricanes, tornadoes, and drought.   These fun and family days of summer often keep us from the planning and preparing our home storage.   However weather and finances remind us of the need to...

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