Desserts / Snacks

recipes for desserts, baked goods, and snacks

  1. The Park

    Contributed by RL We woke up early with the birds singing, blue sky and a soft breeze. When we stepped out the back door into the large yard we knew it was going to be a beautiful day. You know the day when you need to wear sunscreen, but aww, it is just such a pretty day, why bother. Soon...
  2. Sugar Cookie Mix

    (These recipes are found in the “Mix A Meal” cookbook, pages 72, 73; written by Deanna Bean & Lorna Shute. This book includes many other great basic mix recipes and delicious recipes using those basic mixes.)   Sugar Cookie Mix   Combine: 6 cups flour 3 cups sugar 1 1/2 cups dehydrated butter 1 ½ tsp. baking powder 2 tsp...
  3. The Abominable Snowmen

    Contributed by RL It’s a myth you know, but when the snow is falling and one has to move that snow alone with a small 4-wheeler and a blade, which does not seem to be making any headway, the world seems like it is a giant white blur, at that time one tends to get feelings.  Just that uncomfortable...
  4. One Scary Story

    contributed by RL   Since it will be Halloween soon I thought I would write about one of those old time horror stories that keep the kids and grandchildren hiding under the blankets from start to finish. First before we scare the little ones maybe we should have them help us make some Molasses Taffy like the old days. Pretty...
  5. Its Starting; Gridiron Time!

    Contributed by RL This week we are seeing the start of the college football season ( and the boys in the mill are starting to tote each of their teams as the best. What a range of teams they have too, and as you may think most of our favorite teams are here in the west. With BYU leading the...
  6. Fair Week!

    Contributed by RL   You can smell the excitement in the air! Oh, that is the smoke from a fire burning not to far away on the east side of Bear Lake. But really there is a feeling of excitement as people awake and begin their week then realize that this is fair week for Bear Lake county. ( Our...
  7. July is for Apple Pie and Mom!

    Contributed by RL   Here in the west July is a big month. We celebrate 4 July with the rest of the nation by indulging in parades, picnics and fireworks. Then we turn around and celebrate again on the 24 July that heritage that brought us here to the west and to this, the United States of America. Our Pioneer...
  8. The Power of Popcorn

    Contributed by Rick Lamm   A few weeks ago we had our grandchildren visiting for a couple of days, with out their parents! This is a time for us to visit and bond with the children as they do not live close and visiting is not a daily or weekly event. This group of 5 grandchild range in ages from...
  9. Dry Molasses

    Have you tried Dried Molasses Dehydrated molasses powder is a versatile product that can be used in cookies, dry rubs, and in barbecue sauces. Molasses powder is great to use without the sticky mess in your recipes. This is a delicious addition to your food storage staples. It is on special this month. Go to for pricing!
  10. Utah State Preparedness Expo - recipes

    We had a really great time in Salt Lake at the Utah State Preparedness Expo Saturday, September 12. We met a lot of wonderful people who are trying to get prepared with food storage. As I was giving out different food samples, I had several who asked for the recipes for the chili and fruit cobbler that I had made...

Items 1 to 10 of 26 total
