Freeze Dried / Dehydrated Foods

  1. The Power of Popcorn

    Contributed by Rick Lamm   A few weeks ago we had our grandchildren visiting for a couple of days, with out their parents! This is a time for us to visit and bond with the children as they do not live close and visiting is not a daily or weekly event. This group of 5 grandchild range in ages from...
  2. How To Make Nutritious And Tasty Garnishes

    contributed by Jennifer Dawson Edible stir sticks for cocktails and mocktails are the hottest trend in garnishes, according to the Food Network. With the right ingredients and small kitchen appliances, it’s possible to create superb garnishes that are enjoyable and wholesome. These tips will help home chefs of all skill levels to master impressive garnishes that are nutrient-rich and very easy...
  3. Macronutrient Balance: It's Time to Start Loving Carbs Again

    Article contributed by Jennifer Dawson Carbs have so often been seen as the bad guys, the ones to cut out of your diet if you want to lose some weight. But maybe it’s time to start loving carbs again. Proteins, carbs and fat, the three macronutrients that our bodies need, are all essential for good health. And it turns out...
  4. Whole Wheat Spaghetti

    I have to admit something. I have always been afraid to try whole wheat foods. So when my husband brought home some whole wheat spaghetti from Rainy Day Foods, I was not very interested in cooking it. After a lot of discussion, I finally gave in and let our family try it. First of all, it has a darker color...
  5. Celebrate Banana Day with Frosted Banana Cake!

    Happy Banana Day! Today is banana day! A terrific fruit that is excellent anytime! Bananas offer so many health benefits for everyone to enjoy! A banana is loaded with potassium, which can help increase alertness1. Bananas are officially recognized by the FDA as being able to lower blood pressure and protect against heart attack and stroke.1 Eating bananas have...
  6. Warm Up From the Inside

    We usually have snow here at home this time of year, but it has decided to warm up enough to turn the snow to rain. Even though it’s a little warmer than usual, the weather still puts a chill on the bones, especially in the evenings. The quickest way to warm up is to start from the inside, and what...
  7. Tomato Soup - A Timeless Classic

    Tomato Basil Soup with Grilled Cheese Sandwich I’m sure one childhood memory we all share is the joy of eating a hot bowl of tomato soup after a fun day playing in the cold. It’s a heart-warming flavorful soup that has been around for many years. Tomato soup made its first documented appearance in America in 1872 by our...
  8. Soup's On!

    When the weather is snowing like crazy or has below-freezing temperatures, there’s no better food to warm up with than soup! Here at Rainy Day Foods, we have many delicious choices for you to choose from—including gluten-free! To finish off the winter season, we are going to be highlighting some of our favorite soups and help you warm up ‘til...
  9. It's Strawberry Day!

    Strawberry Gelatin This strawberry dessert is very simple to make and makes for a sweet treat for anyone. For the gelatin, I followed the written instructions on the product, which equaled 2-3 servings, but it’s easy to adjust for however many servings you want to make. This strawberry gelatin is a 1-to-3-to-3 ratio, calling for 1 part gelatin mix...
  10. Potato Cakes

    Potatoes are a definite must-have when it comes to your food storage. They are a terrific addition to any breakfast in the form of hashbrowns, or in the form of potato dices they can be mixed in with other breakfast meals. You can eat potatoes for lunch and dinner as a side dish such as mashed potatoes or French fries...

Items 41 to 50 of 79 total
