dehydrated food


    Build Your Food Storage You may be wondering why you should store food or other items “just-in-case” there’s an emergency. Many of us have a difficult time imagining the type of situation that would require emergency preparedness items or dehydrated and/or freeze dried food, especially if we have never experienced an emergency situation that would have used such items...
  2. Switch To Dehydrated Foods To Fight Obesity

    Contributed by Jennifer Dawson American’s are on average getting fatter each year, with nearly 35% of the population now considered obese. Obesity isn’t just about waist size. It is now classed as a chronic disease in the U.S. There can be no doubt that it is crucial that the country tackles this growing epidemic. While the healthy eating market is saturated...
  3. Garbage Day

    Contributed by RL It’s like any other day except it is the designated day to clean up because well that’s what we do in spring especially when the kids are coming to visit.  We have to make room for the children and send down the road a few of the items that are cluttering up the house that were essential...
  4. Graduation

    Contributed by RL   Yes it is that time of the year when the mail is full of graduation announcements.  We all know someone who is graduating.  This year alone we have received announcements and invitations to pre-school graduation, grade school graduation, and a couple of high school graduations.  I guess all those that we know who are in college...
  5. The Summer Yard

    Contributed by RL It must be spring!  The Sun is out, the lawn has grown to look like a jungle and the neighbors who farm for a living are out in the fields. It’s warm, almost hot, so now the work begins. You know all that stuff that was out in the yard or blew in over the winter is...
  6. All The Reasons Why Seniors Should Start Stocking Freeze-Dried Food

    Contributed by Jennifer Dawson Freeze dried food weighs 70%-90% lighter than fresh food while maintaining up to 97% of its nutrition according to Harvest Right Inc. This characteristic makes it easier to handle. Freeze-dried foods are vital for proper nourishment as well as convenient in the preparation of steady diets. They happen to be nutrient-rich and contain a high fiber content which...
  7. The Park

    Contributed by RL We woke up early with the birds singing, blue sky and a soft breeze. When we stepped out the back door into the large yard we knew it was going to be a beautiful day. You know the day when you need to wear sunscreen, but aww, it is just such a pretty day, why bother. Soon...
  8. What Are the Best Dehydrated and Freeze Dried Foods for Specific Diets?

    Contributed by Jennifer Dawson An estimated 45 million Americans adhere to some kind of diet each and every year. Aside from simply having the desire to lose weight, many individuals go on a diet to achieve additional health goals. From calming digestive discomfort to improving one’s blood pressure, there are numerous reasons to stick with a given diet. However, as...
  9. The Trip

    contributed by RL As we packed for a visit with the children, it took a bit of time. We loaded the car and then headed south. Of course we made sure that we had everything we needed and then some, we even checked twice.  We even remembered to put in the emergency kit because the children live in a remote...
  10. Backpacking Meal Planning: Keep It Light and Nutritious

    Contributed by Jennifer Dawson Backpacking is a fun, but strenuous activity, with the average 160-lb. hiker burning approximately 430 calories per hour. Depending on your body type and level of activity, you could potentially burn over two-thousand calories a day. Backpacking requires a lot of energy, and you’ll need to refuel your body with lots of protein and high-carb foods. When...

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