Rainy Day Foods

Emergency Food Storage Tips & Recipes

  1. Is The Wild Calling?

    Contributed by RL 2 person 72 hour kit As I was out running the other morning with the moon hiding behind the inbound clouds, the air was crisp and the road crunching loudly under my feet, life is good. Suddenly the cry of a dog that was out scouting the area for adventure, who was scared into alertness at the...
  2. Freeze Dried Food: A Simple Solution to America's Food Problem

    Contributed by Jennifer Dawson The NRDC reports that Americans waste 40% of all food - that’s the equivalent of practically throwing almost half of all purchased food straight into the garbage. With this growing trend of food waste, many are seeking timely ways in which they can preserve food in a meaningful way and save on the expense of waste. Purchasing...
  3. The Commute

    Contributed by RL It starts out early and seems to get earlier every week. Of course you have to warm up the car to help defrost the windows, in this cold winter weather, which means you have to go outside an extra time in the cold. The steering wheel is cold so you have to wear gloves that your hands...
  4. Ham and Kidney Bean Soup (crock pot method)

    Contributed by Tina Otazua 8 to 10 cups water 2 ham hocks 16 oz kidney beans fresh garlic or minced garlic to taste (approx. 2 cloves) 1 whole onion, diced 1 14-15 oz. can diced tomatoes 2-3 tsp. seasoning salt 1 tsp. Southwest Seasoning   Put beans and ham along with the garlic and spices in the crock pot. Add...
  5. The Abominable Snowmen

    Contributed by RL It’s a myth you know, https://www.livescience.com/25072-yeti-abominable-snowman.html but when the snow is falling and one has to move that snow alone with a small 4-wheeler and a blade, which does not seem to be making any headway, the world seems like it is a giant white blur, at that time one tends to get feelings.  Just that uncomfortable...
  6. The World Spins

    Contributed by RL As we slept the world kept on spinning and with that rotation something has changed. Magnetic north has moved so much that current electronic devises need to be readjusted to its new position. Hopefully that will happen as soon as the government workers in charge of doing so are back to their jobs so that our flight...
  7. Stretching Your Dehydrated Food Stock: Making Supplies Last

    Contributed by Jennifer Dawson Freeze-dried foods are considered to be the best type of dehydrated food due to the fact that their texture and taste are retained after rehydration. If you’ve got a rainy day food stock, you’ll likely already understand the benefits of being able to make certain foods last well past the traditional expiration period. Seeing as these types of...
  8. Catching that Superpower

    Contributed by RL sprouting mix When I got home the other day I read on a little token of appreciation that was sitting on the kitchen table that my wife had received for teaching 4 and 5 year old children at church. They gave her a glass with the words, “I teach primary; what’s your Superpower”? The plastic glass with...
  9. The Start of the New

    Contributed by RL With the beginning of the New Year we are all gung ho for living the dream and keeping all of those new goals that we made for the coming year. The reality is it all starts now. So with the early dawn we begin and as we open the door for that early morning running that we...
  10. The Act of Bringing in a New Year

    Contributed by RL   It's that time of year when Christmas is over and the clean-up begins. We know getting rid of all those wrappings from the presents, putting the furniture back into place and deciding when to take down the tree. Then you look at that horde of stuff everyone got and wonder if we are going to have...

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